
Zeppe & Zikki
The future:
Generation Stronger
For years, DPG Media has been harnessing the power of its own brands to empower children and young people under the banner of Generation Stronger. Not only through our own charities, but also by offering financial support to external initiatives. For a strong next generation.

Every year on Red Nose Day, Flanders raises money through all kinds of activities for projects that empo- wer young people physically, socially and mentally. Initiatives that are much needed in these troubled times. Many young people struggled during the Covid pandemic, experiencing higher levels of stress and anxiety, and missing out on a sense of real contact.
These activities mainly take place in schools and teachers play a crucial role in making them happen. To offer them support, the money raised in 2021 (over 3 million euros) will be channelled into a Red Nose Academy. This training programme offers tea- chers all kinds of tools to improve the well-being of their students, from tailor-made workshops to handy teaching packs on how to help young people express their feelings.
Red Nose Day was initiated in 2015 by VTM, Qmusic, HLN and Belfius.

Children's book week
DPG Media believes it is essential to boost children’s enjoyment of reading. Until now, brands such as Donald Duck, Zo Zit Dat and Tina have been fulfilling that role. In 2021, we also launched a partnership with the CPNB Foundation (Collective Promotion for the Dutch Book) in the Netherlands. This foundation has the same goal as we do.
DPG Media and CPNB are joining forces to encourage younger generations to read and to stimulate their enjoyment of reading. An additional advantage is that children who read well and enjoy reading also develop better co- ping strategies in an information-rich world.
This collaboration also encompasses Children’s Book Week and the Children’s Jury, in which child- ren choose the best children’s book of the year. DPG Media has a host of ideas to make the Children’s Book Week even bigger, more fun and more inspiring in the years to come.
Zeppe & Zikki
Zebra Zeppe and turtle Zikki make children aware of the dangers in traffic. The cautious zebra and hyper- active turtle set off on a journey together and try to avoid risky situations in an inventive way.
Behind their comic videos there is a serious message: be mindful of yourself and others in traffic. The creators have made a conscious choice not to be patronising, in order to get the message across to both young children and their parents more effectively. After all, it is important that parents set a good example.
Zeppe & Zikki is an initiative by VTM that was realised in cooperation with the Flemish government. The puppets are not only regulars on TV, but also play a leading role in national road safety campaigns and teaching materials on road safety.

Equal opportunities for all children and bringing about happiness: DPG Media lends a helping hand to children and young people from families where money is tight. We achieve this by providing support to the Belgian Royal Association Kindergeluk, a non-profit organisation.
The aim is to help these children on the road to a better future, to improve their living conditions and simply give them a chance to enjoy themselves. Kindergeluk focuses on children from socially disadvantaged families, who often face poverty growing up, and children and young people with health issues or learning disabilities. The revenues are used for day centres and family counselling, among other things. DPG Media supports Kindergeluk both financially and structurally.