searches for the best price
Pricewatch, Tweakers’ price comparison page, lists the prices of over 1 million tech products, from mobile phones to laptops and TVs. And that’s not even the most impressive statistic: in 2022, Pricewatch logged 61 million searches. So what’s the secret behind its success?

Wout Funnekotter
(38), hoofdredacteur Tweakers
If you want to get a sense of how long Tweakers’ Pricewatch page has been around: in its early years, the prices of products were still listed in Dutch guilders (FL).
“Pricewatch was conceived in 1999 by the Tweakers community,” explains Tweakers editor-in-chief Wout Funnekotter. “The aim was to help each other find low prices and good promotions. Our visitors would actually go to shops to check the prices of products, which we then manually entered into a database.”
Up-to-date prices
Today, in 2023, Pricewatch is largely automated. Affiliated retailers provide a feed with all relevant product information, which Pricewatch uses to update its listings four times an hour. So if a retailer adjusts one of its prices, it never takes more than 15 minutes for the price to change on Pricewatch. Tweakers also has a four-person team that manually looks up and adds additional specifications not provided by the manufacturer. “We put a lot of time and effort into offering more comprehensive information than the competition,” says Funnekotter.
That comprehensiveness is the page’s strongest selling point. “Pricewatch is strongly geared towards Tweakers’ target audience: true tech lovers. But their slipstream also pulls in a lot of other people. Our filtering and sorting options have expanded massively over the years, which may be too much of a good thing for some, but they allow our target audience to filter and dissect every little detail.”
Pricewatch in figures
price alerts set
vendor reviews
Product reviews
A wealth of information
Funnekotter sees Pricewatch as “a hub where all the information that’s available about a tech product comes together.” If you’re looking for a new smartphone, tablet, laptop, camera or television, the page offers a wealth of information: all the news stories, about a product, editorial and user review,, test reports, message board discussions and, of course, specs and prices. Another beloved feature are the graphs tracking price trends, so you can see at a glance whether a product has become more expensive or cheaper over the past months.
Pricewatch has a transparent revenue model based on the principle of affiliate marketing. For every visitor it directs to an online retailer, Tweakers receives a small commission, either per click (CPC, cost per click) or per sale (CPS, cost per sale).
Transparent reviews
On average, Tweakers has around 50,000 active monthly contributors. Any member of the community can post their own reviews, which some avid users take so seriously that they will spend weeks working on a review. Here too it’s all about transparency. If you post a review, you must indicate how you obtained the product: did you buy it, was it a gift or were you sponsored in exchange for writing a review? Other community members can then rate your review with a score from 0 to 3. “That’s where you see the community’s ability to self-moderate. If someone keeps writing very short reviews (‘This product changed my life, wouldn’t change a thing’), they’ll never get a high score.”
Since last year, Pricewatch has spotlighted temporary price drops. If a product suddenly becomes a lot cheaper, it will get highlighted in the search results. This feature will be further optimised in 2023. Users can also set a price alert, so they’re notified when the price of a product drops below a level they set themselves.
How important is Pricewatch to the Tweakers ecosystem? “Hugely important,” Funnekotter replies. “For our target audience, it’s something unique. There’s no other website that offers this kind of high-quality, comprehensive information. There’s simply no alternative. If we were to take this page offline, they’d be standing outside waving pitchforks, so to speak. Pricewatch belongs to the whole community: it’s still very much a collaborative project.”